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How our loyalty point system works

You may also check your ranking and amount of points you have to spend in the link at the top, My Account


If you have earned between 0-499 points, you will have a bronze ranking, and your point generation will be 1 point for every $1 spent (converted based on currency, but based on $1 Canadian).


If you have earned between 3,000-4,999 points, you will have a platinum ranking, and your point generation will be 2 points for every $1 spent (converted based on currency, but based on $1 Canadian).


If you have earned between 500-1,499 points, you will have a silver ranking, and your point generation will be 1.2 points for every $1 spent (converted based on currency, but based on $1 Canadian).


If you have earned more than 5000 points, you will have a diamond ranking, and your point generation will be 2.5 points for every $1 spent (converted based on currency, but based on $1 Canadian).


If you have earned between 1,500-2,999 points, you will have a gold ranking, and your point generation will be 1.5 points for every $1 spent (converted based on currency, but based on $1 Canadian).

Seasonal Points

Points will be reset every 6 months, currently, your points will reset on New Years – 2024-12-31, so be sure to spend your points before they’re reset to 0!

Redeeming points

Points are converted to dollar values at the rate of $1 for every 100 points redeemed (this amount is based on $1 Canadian). These points can be given to friends, or used for yourself. They cannot be used in conjunction with coupons, as this is a separate reward generation system from coupons, and we always provide high-value coupons for our customers when events are active.