The Squirtle Squad comprises a collection of Squirtle Pokémon who found themselves abandoned by their Trainers. Distinguished by their characteristic attire of sunglasses, these Squirtle serve as emblematic representatives of the Pokémon universe, embodying resilience and camaraderie despite their unfortunate circumstances. Their distinctive appearance as sunglass-wearing Squirtle not only adds a unique flair to their collective identity but also symbolizes their unity and determination. In the pantheon of Pokémon, these sunglass-clad Squirtle stand out as a testament to the enduring bond between Trainer and Pokémon, even amidst adversity. Their portrayal, akin to Pokémon on spoons, offers a poignant reminder of the complexities and nuances of the Pokémon world, where even seemingly minor details can carry profound significance.
Squirt Spoon
CAD $25.00
Introducing Sunglass Squirtle: a delightful fusion of style and nostalgia. These adorable Pokémon figurines capture the essence of the beloved Squirtle Squad, complete with their iconic sunglasses. Each figure serves as a charming reminder of the resilience and friendship found in the Pokémon world. Perfect for collectors and fans alike, bring home Sunglass Squirtle and add a touch of Pokémon magic to your collection today!
54 in stock
Jack Morrow (verified owner) –
Jose (verified owner) –
My fav spoon so far!
Mia Martin (verified owner) –
Dakota Grismer-Voght (verified owner) –
Better and bigger than I thought